Narrow-Minded Evangelism

ReThinking Evangelism … & The Golden Rule From The Less Traveled Road


The Golden Rule is one of the best-known and most quoted scriptures in the Bible. But, what if we have it all wrong? What if The Golden Rule was never meant to be a simple and safe mantra—recited to children to get them to see the importance of sharing their toys with one another? What if we’ve looked at that verse too narrowly and missed Christ’s point altogether? What if The Golden Rule is really a profoundly dangerous mission statement—to be embraced by Christ followers and lead people away from the broad way that leads to death and back onto the narrow way that leads to life? Using The Golden Rule as a mission statement, pastor and author Arron Chambers shares the keys you and your church can use to help more lost people find the narrow way that leads to life.

Key highlights:

  • Thorough exploration of Matthew 7:12-14 and historical origins of The Golden Rule
  • Contextual biblical analysis of when Jesus spoke these words, who He spoke them to and why He spoke them
  • Why these verses speak into the ethics of how we treat each other and are a powerful paradigm for evangelism
  • Lies individuals and churches believe that hinder their efforts to reach the lost
  • Why evangelism must be intentional
  • Why evangelism is a matter of life and death and should drive us to a sense of urgency
  • The multiple ways the church makes finding and following the narrow way even more difficult than what Jesus said it would be (Matthew 7:13).
  • Three areas of focus for simplifying evangelism
Arron Chambers
Arron Chambers is the Pastor of Journey Christian Church—a multi-site church with a new campus at a local Correctional Facility and a large online community. He is also the author of eight books, a life/business/marriage coach, cross-country coach, and a global speaker.
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